Tag: foster relationships
Synchro Clap
Synchro Clap is an infectious, rhythmic series of collaborative claps to increase energy and develop teamwork skills
Small Stone
Small Stone is a fascinating group game for group development because it creates real connections and also improves observation skills
The Spiderweb Challenge
The spiderweb challenge is is a group game to encourage collaboration, trust and teamwork as people traverse a web of threads
Random Playing Cards
Random Playing Cards is a quick, simple and fun activity and proposal to facilitate the random mixing of people in your group
Express Feelings
Express Feelings is an ideal strategy to help people make sense of what they feel or have observed in an experience
Control a Robot
Control a Robot is an fun and active exercise for couples to build trust, foster empathy and strengthen relationships
Game of the Treasures
Game of the Treasures is a kind of urgent treasure hunt to inspire creativity, promote collaboration and teamwork
The Secret Key
The Secret Key is a fun and clever game to inspire the imagination, exercise lateral thinking, and strengthen relationships
The Storyline Group
The Storyline Group is an engaging technique that helps tell a story about a group experience to encourage collaboration and sharpen memory
Card Talk
Card Talk is a simple icebreaker that invites people to share things about themselves in an entertaining way to get to know each other more
Pictures and Memories
Pictures and Memories is a fun and quick storytelling activity to share experiences, strengthen relationships, and energize the group
Writing Behind Your Back
Writing Behind Your Back is a fun, interactive and affirming trust-building energiser exercise and strengthen relationships
Electric Fence
Electric Fence is an extremely challenging exercise to promote collaboration, encourage effective communication and develop teamwork skills
Walk and Lean
Walk and Lean is a great exercise for building pre-existing trust and spotting skills, as well as reinforcing the importance of relationships
Dice of the Questions
Dice of the Questions is an interesting icebreaker for face-to-face or virtual meetings that mixes the random with the structured