Stack Paper Stones

Stack Paper Stones

Just like stacking stones in nature, we can stack paper stones to practice balance, mindfulness, and perseverance

Ecocycle Planning

Ecocycle Planning

The purpose of Ecocycle Planning is to analyze the entire portfolio of activities and identify obstacles and opportunities

Critical Uncertainties

Critical Uncertainties

Critical Uncertainties helps to develop strategies for dealing with a range of plausible yet unpredictable futures

Drawing Together

Drawing Together

Drawing Together helps groups to purposefully create space for expressing and interpreting complex thoughts

Arrival Activity

Arrival Activity

The Arrival Activity is an ingenious and useful group opening to foster a climate of trust and promote empathy

Improv Prototyping

Improv Prototyping

Improv Prototyping actively engages groups to learn by observing and trying different behaviors in an improvised environment

Five Paper Stones

Five Paper Stones

Five Paper Stones is a creative activity that promotes mindfulness, focus, slowing down, and develops patience and perseverance

The Emoji Storytelling

The Emoji Storytelling

Emoji Storytelling helps your group understand their emotions and how they influence behavior in different situations

Snowball Toss

Snowball Toss

Snowball Toss is a fast and fun strategy that encourages open dialogue and offers an opportunity to release your party’s pent up energy

Inspiring Check-Ins

Inspiring Check-Ins

Inspiring Check-Ins is a simple tool to invite reflection, facilitate emotional focus and provide intentionality to life projects

Act As If

Act As If

‘Act as if’ is a powerful and interactive couple exercise to encourage dialogue, explore different ways of being and acting

Crumpled Letter

Crumpled Letter

The crumpled letter is wonderfully applied in programs that seek to build resilience, mindfulness and social-emotional learning skills