The Frozen Team Challenge
Frozen Team is a scenario-based challenge that requires teamwork, effective communication, building trust, and leadership skills. In this scenario, the teams are Arctic explorers caught in bad weather, the challenge is to choose a leader and then pitch a tent to shelter.
As a result of the severe weather conditions, the team’s leader is suffering from frost bite in both hands and is unable physically to help in the erection of the tent. Meanwhile the rest of the team is suffering from snow blindness and as a result cannot see.
In advance, you need to make sure there is a one- or two-man tent for each team; plenty of space – this is best done outdoors.
Introduce this as a task that requires effective verbal communication and planning. Explain the scenario that the teams are arctic explorers who have been caught in bad weather and need to erect a tent to gain shelter.
Then explain that, as a result of the severe weather conditions, the team’s leader is suffering from frost bite in both hands and is unable to help physically in the erection of the tent. Meanwhile the rest of the team is suffering from snow blindness and as a result cannot see.
State that each team has approximately 45 minutes to build the tent with all but the team leader blindfolded and that the team leader can only assist the rest of the team verbally. Also state that you will be rotating the leadership so that every participant has a chance to lead.
Give each participant a blindfold (because the team leaders will take turns to be the team leader) and each team a tent.
Position the teams a safe distance apart and ask everyone, except the team leader, to lower their blind folds over their eyes. Once every team is ready tell them to start the erecting their tent.
During the exercise be prepared to intervene if a participant might be at risk of injury.
Remember to rotate the team leader in each group so that every participant has a chance to be the leader. Allow the group to say when they have finished; if everyone is in agreement ask them to remove their blindfolds.
Moment of Reflection
- Ask how it felt to lead in this exercise?
- Explore what aspect of the exercise put each of the leaders under pressure?
- Ask how it felt to be led? Why?
- What leadership lessons can be drawn from this exercise?
- Ask them what they might do differently if they were to repeat the exercise?
- Did they trust their leader? Why?
The topics of this publication: interactions, strategy, collaboration, leadership, teamwork, trust, adaptation, foster relationships, adaptability skills, cooperation, communication