Category: Activities and Games
Worry Reel
Worry Reel is a visualization that promotes calm and relaxation, inspires creativity, and reduces anxiety and worry
Act As If
‘Act as if’ is a powerful and interactive couple exercise to encourage dialogue, explore different ways of being and acting
Special Thing
Special Thing is a powerful exercise in self-expression and reflection to help build relationships and promote empathy within your group
Think Themselves
Think Themselves is a deeply contemplative exercise that helps people develop self-awareness and promotes reflection
Good and Bad Chefs
Good and Bad Chefs is a very fun, energetic, creative and highly interactive game to make ideally with large groups
Countries Toured
Countries Toured is a problem-solving logic exercise designed to be solved in groups and to promote collaboration and effective communication
Emotional Check In
Emotional Check In is a guided exercise that uses metaphors to encourage reflection and communication about our feelings
You Decide
You Decide is an interactive strategy to empower and help groups make decisions and solve problems and difficulties
Throw in the Bucket
Throw in the Bucket is a simple and active group activity for goal setting, decision making and role playing
Names in the Air
Names in the Air is a simple, fun and fast game to introduce the knowledge of the names of the people of the new groups in formation.
Agora Square
Agora Square is a powerful discussion model to explore the complexity of ideas and uncover a deeper understanding of ourselves and others
Asteroids Storm
Asteroids storm is a highly interactive classic game to sharpen the fine motor skills of people and energize the group
Pie and Prize
Pie and prize is a fun deductive reasoning exercise that promotes collaboration and focus in rotational leadership
Inside and Outside Being
Inside and Outside Being is a creative exercise to discuss behavioural norms, set goals, and it is ideal for value discussions
Blind Portraits
Blind Portraits is an engaging and entertaining experience drawing to quickly raise the energy of your group