All the News

All the News

All the News is an activity to take a quick peek into people’s minds and find out how they perceive the organization or team

Helium Stick

Helium Stick

Helium stick game is a great team-building exercise that aims to enhance teamwork and communication among mid-sized groups

Making a Movie

Making a Movie

What better way to stimulate creativity than to making a movie? The objective is promote creativity, teamwork and collaboration

Four Facts and a Lie

Four Facts and a Lie

Four Facts and a Lie is ideal for a team whose members don’t know each other very well and can share personal information and build trust

Pass The Clay

Pass The Clay

The objective of this activity is to pass the clay to work as a team and build a structure with the creative input of all

This is Better Than That

This is Better Than That

The This is Better Than That activity is all about rating and organizing tools and techniques according to a given situation

Team Emblem

Team Emblem

The objective of the team emblem activity focuses on creative thinking, collaboration, and fostering a team identity.

I Know That

I Know That

The activity “I know that” is one of the best ways to build confidence on a team is encouraging people to be an expert in their field

Tag Team Game

Tag Team Game

Tag team game objective for each person to share their strengths and positive traits that contribute to the overall success of the group

Lost at Sea

Lost at Sea

The goal of Lost at Sea is for everyone to be heard and to come to a decision together about what they need most to survive

A Circle and a Rope

A Circle and a Rope

A circle and a rope is a very fun and challenging game that requires lot of communication and coordination among the teammates

Critical Thinking Game

Critical Thinking Game

Critical thinking game is one of the remote meeting ideas where people make a difficult decision under pressure

Copy Cat

Copy Cat

We like the Copy Cat activity because team members learn the importance of listening by having to make an exact copy of a sculpture

Classify Objects

Classify Objects

The Classify Objects activity leads to a discussion on how to work outside the box for solutions to problems that seem wholly unrelated

Tied Together

Tied Together

A great, easy game for building relationships and getting people to work together is the tied together game