Tag: creativity
Positive and Negative
Positive and Negative is a interesting and creative story-telling exercise to explore the impact of embracing different perspectives
Unique Pieces of a Puzzle
Unique Pieces of a Puzzle is a creative exercise to explore self-awareness and invite your group to express themselves and reflect
Play Taboo
We explain how to play taboo, a frantic word game to encourage creativity, energize the group and develop effective communication
Find the Difference
Find the Difference is an activity to encourage your group to notice the subtle things about other people that we often overlook
Fast Rhyme
Fast Rhyme is a group icebreaker activity and fun elimination game to develop creative thinking, active listening and concentration
My Inner World
My Inner World is an activity that inspires creativity and promotes self-contemplation through the exploration of our bodily sensations
Random Words
Random Words is a great energizing and fun activity to inspire collaboration and encourage creativity in your group
Team Communication Exercises
Team communication exercises are a type of team building initiative and are similar to relationship strengthening activities
Irony Questions
The activity of Irony Questions is a powerful and engaging atrategy to occupy downtime and help people connect
Circle of Luminaries
Circle of Luminaries is a wonderful activity to inspire imagination and helps to reflect on and connect with meaningful values
Vision Board
Vision Board is an amazing and effective creative process to motivate and to help individuals and groups set goals
Album Cover
Album Cover is a ideal activity to promote creativity, encourage collaboration and stimulate group reflection
Romeo and Juliet Mystery
Romeo and Juliet Mystery is an exciting question and answer game to exercise creativity and develop lateral thinking
4 Amazing Activities to Improve Communication
We propose 4 amazing activities to improve communication and help improve productivity and mitigate conflicts before they arise
Collage to Reflect
Collage to reflect is a creative and inspiring activity to reflect on and evoke valuable conversations and interactions in group