Cross The Line

Cross The Line

Cross The Line is a simple group initiative to explore complex behaviors, develop critical thinking, and foster social awareness

Group Spectrum

Group Spectrum

Group Spectrum is a simple non-verbal reflection exercise, attractive to visualize the diversity of ideas and thoughts that exist in a group

Similarities and Differences

Similarities and Differences

Similarities and Differences is an activity to identify things in common and characteristics that are unique to each person

30 Seconds

30 Seconds

30 Seconds is a challenging group initiative to exercise strategic thinking, focus, perseverance, and teamwork skills

Traffic Light

Traffic Light

Traffic Light is a simple, creative and fast execution strategy to process an experience and promote communication

Celebrity Interview

Celebrity Interview

Celebrity Interview is a great way to allow experts and leaders to share their experiences in a more engaging way

Explore the Experience

Explore the Experience

Explore the Experience is a simple, open-ended processing strategy to inspire deeper group and personal reflection

Twenty Questions

Twenty Questions

Twenty Questions is a guessing simple game in which people try to identify a person or object in 20 questions or less



Panarchy is an activity to understand how embedded systems interact, evolve, spread innovation and transform

Complete the Sentence

Complete the Sentence

Complete the Sentence is a simple and structured exchange strategy for groups to reflect and improve their work dynamics

Card Face

Card Face

Card Face is a powerful exercise and dynamic experience that explores topics of diversity, cultural norms, valuing others, and inclusion

Conversation Café

Conversation Café

The Conversation Café format helps people have deep conversations where there is less debating and arguing, and more listening

Problem Family Tree

Problem Family Tree

Problem Family Tree is an interesting exercise to help team members see the real problems they face and their causes

White Cards

White Cards

White Cards is an open activity that allows people to create the rules that will regulate the team’s work dynamics.

Agreement and Certainty Matrix

Agreement and Certainty Matrix

Agreement and Certainty Matrix help groups discover which approaches are most effective for the types of challenges they face