Emotional Check In

Emotional Check In

Emotional Check In is a guided exercise that uses metaphors to encourage reflection and communication about our feelings

Inside and Outside Being

Inside and Outside Being

Inside and Outside Being is a creative exercise to discuss behavioural norms, set goals, and it is ideal for value discussions

Octopus Tentacles

Octopus Tentacles

Octopus Tentacles is a highly energetic and physically challenging icebreaker to do with a large group and in a large space

Discover the Coin

Discover the Coin

Discover the Coin is an exciting team guessing game that encourages collaboration, sharpens observation skills, and makes for laughs

The Communication Game

The Communication Game

The purpose of the communication game is to help team members learn to communicate more effectively and more effectively

3 Question Mingle

3 Question Mingle

3 question mingle activity is a great way of encouraging fresh recruits to get to know one another quickly in a friendly environment

Rose, Thorn and Bud

Rose Thorn and Bud

The game of rose, thorn and bud is amazing because it creates a shared feeling of optimism and energy among the team

Campfire Stories

Campfire Stories

Campfire Stories is a team building activity will inspire storytelling, encourage spontaneity, and improve team bonding

Uncover Your Superpowers

Uncover Your Superpowers

If you’re ready to go beyond surface-level connections with your team, the “uncover your superpowers” is the ideal activity

Appreciative Questions

Appreciative Questions

Appreciative questions connect us with the ability to see something new, resignify events, recognize hidden qualities or potentialities

Four Facts and a Lie

Four Facts and a Lie

Four Facts and a Lie is ideal for a team whose members don’t know each other very well and can share personal information and build trust

Facial Expressions

Facial Expressions

Facial expressions are an important part of everyday life and we may not consider them when it comes to advanced forms of communication

Sound Ball

Sound Ball

The Sound Ball is a simple icebreaker activity that energizes participants, and it’s also suitable for highlighting spontaneity and teamwork

Memory Wall

Memory Wall

The Memory Wall is a team building activity to build camaraderie among team members and foster relationships