The Fortieth Floor

The Fortieth Floor

The fortieth floor is a mysterious question and answer puzzle to exercise the imagination and develop lateral thinking

Open Space Technology

Open Space Technology

The purpose of the Open Space Technology liberating structure is to liberate action and leadership in groups of any size

Imagined Stories

Imagined Stories

Imagined Stories is a fun, creative and stimulating storytelling exercise to encourage imagination and interaction

Synchro Clap

Synchro Clap

Synchro Clap is an infectious, rhythmic series of collaborative claps to increase energy and develop teamwork skills

Fast Rhyme

Fast Rhyme

Fast Rhyme is a group icebreaker activity and fun elimination game to develop creative thinking, active listening and concentration

Vision Board

Vision Board

Vision Board is an amazing and effective creative process to motivate and to help individuals and groups set goals

Romeo and Juliet Mystery

Romeo and Juliet Mystery

Romeo and Juliet Mystery is an exciting question and answer game to exercise creativity and develop lateral thinking

Campfire Stories

Campfire Stories

Campfire Stories is a team building activity will inspire storytelling, encourage spontaneity, and improve team bonding

Magazine Story

Magazine Story

In the Magazine Story activity, each team has to create an imaginary magazine cover story about the successful completion of a project