Tag: motivation
Kemps Game
Kemps is a fun, fast-paced strategy card game involving teamwork where one player in a pair tries to get four of a kind
Sun and Moon
Sun and Moon is a simple and lively game to break the ice, energize people in a large group and exercise concentration
Words by Categories
Words by Categories is a quick thinking game of brainstorming unique items within categories for small groups
The Man in the Diving Suit
The Riddle of the Man in the Diving Suit The Man in the Diving Suit is an exercise…
Dream Trip
Dream Trip will help us to understand and get to know one another better by revealing our some of our ideals and motivation
Agile and Dynamic Teams
Agile and Dynamic Teams is an energetic and fun game to develop active listening, coordination and concentration
Collaborative Drawing
Collaborative drawing is a powerful and engaging activity to encourage collaboration and inspire group creativity
A Number and an Action
A Number and Action is a fast-paced, highly interactive game that generates a lot of energy and stimulates quick thinking in large groups
Two Men and a Bar
Two Men and a Bar is a fun exercise in lateral thinking to encourage creativity, develop critical thinking skills and energize the group
Arresting Mystery
Arresting Mystery is a lateral thinking exercise to encourage creativity and develop critical thinking skills
Oriental Warriors
Oriental Warriors is a fast, playful and energetic game to play in a circle and it only takes two minutes to get the audience excited
Cat and Mouse
Cat and Mouse is a fun icebreaker to engage, energize and excite a large crowd of people gathered in a large auditorium
Around the World
Around the World is an active game and an activity ice breaker to energize people and create a fun group climate
The Fortieth Floor
The fortieth floor is a mysterious question and answer puzzle to exercise the imagination and develop lateral thinking
Open Space Technology
The purpose of the Open Space Technology liberating structure is to liberate action and leadership in groups of any size