Tag: reflection
Touch the Numbers
Touch the Numbers is a simple and fun challenge that helps build powerful metaphors around the meaning of the word team
Values Stock Market
Values Stock Market exercise is a highly interactive and entertaining activity to focus and explore group norms and values
Snowball Toss
Snowball Toss is a fast and fun strategy that encourages open dialogue and offers an opportunity to release your party’s pent up energy
Circle of Luminaries
Circle of Luminaries is a wonderful activity to inspire imagination and helps to reflect on and connect with meaningful values
Trust Line
Trust Line is a powerful trust-building physical exercise to promote empathy and collaboration in the group
Group Diversity
Group Diversity is a team-building strategy controlled by your group to encourage integration and interaction, and focus on critical thinking
Album Cover
Album Cover is a ideal activity to promote creativity, encourage collaboration and stimulate group reflection
Pictures and Memories
Pictures and Memories is a fun and quick storytelling activity to share experiences, strengthen relationships, and energize the group
Writing Behind Your Back
Writing Behind Your Back is a fun, interactive and affirming trust-building energiser exercise and strengthen relationships
Collage to Reflect
Collage to reflect is a creative and inspiring activity to reflect on and evoke valuable conversations and interactions in group
Inspiring Check-Ins
Inspiring Check-Ins is a simple tool to invite reflection, facilitate emotional focus and provide intentionality to life projects
Walk and Lean
Walk and Lean is a great exercise for building pre-existing trust and spotting skills, as well as reinforcing the importance of relationships
Goals and Hands
Goals and Hands is a fantastic and creative strategy for exploring individual goal setting in relation to the group
Act As If
‘Act as if’ is a powerful and interactive couple exercise to encourage dialogue, explore different ways of being and acting
Special Thing
Special Thing is a powerful exercise in self-expression and reflection to help build relationships and promote empathy within your group