Thread of Dental

Thread of Dental

Unlike many yoga activities, thread of dental is a laughter yoga activity that is more of a group practice than an individual one

Uncover Your Superpowers

Uncover Your Superpowers

If you’re ready to go beyond surface-level connections with your team, the “uncover your superpowers” is the ideal activity

Appreciative Questions

Appreciative Questions

Appreciative questions connect us with the ability to see something new, resignify events, recognize hidden qualities or potentialities

Rose and Thorn

Rose and Thorn

With the activity the rose and the thorn can share gratifications and vulnerability to develop feelings of closeness and empathy as a team

Facial Expressions

Facial Expressions

Facial expressions are an important part of everyday life and we may not consider them when it comes to advanced forms of communication

Liberated Laughter

Liberated Laughter

The liberated laughter not only provides a full-scale workout for your muscles, it unleashes a rush of stress-busting endorphins

Tag Team Game

Tag Team Game

Tag team game objective for each person to share their strengths and positive traits that contribute to the overall success of the group

Bucket List

Bucket List

The bucket list is a simple game and only requires paper whose objective is to get to know each other better

Critical Thinking Game

Critical Thinking Game

Critical thinking game is one of the remote meeting ideas where people make a difficult decision under pressure

Conflict Confessions

Conflict Confessions

The Conflict Confessions activity helps people resolve conflicts through analysis, reflection, and understanding

First Impressions

First Impressions

The first impressions game is an activity that promotes laughter, and makes it easy for each person on the team to introduce themselves

Silly Laughter

Silly Laughter

A silly laughter is great therapy for self-awareness as it allows you to face your discomfort by acting and looking silly

Deep Breathing

Deep Breathing

Laughter exercises are interspersed with deep breathing exercises to help flush the lungs as well as bring physical and mental relaxation

Swinging Laughter

Swinging Laughter

Swinging Laughter is a fun group laughter therapy activity that helps people improve their sense of well-being

Dream Trips

Dream Trips

Dream Trips is a light-hearted introductory activity, which encourages participants to find out a bit more about their work colleagues