Turn the Tower

Turn the Tower

Turn the Tower is a fun and engaging problem-solving task that requires teamwork skills, sharp wits, and concentration

Balance with Nails

Balance with Nails

Balance with Nails is a hard-to-solve challenge game that inspires creativity, encourages lateral thinking, and builds teamwork skills



With Integrated~Autonomy you can help a group move from ‘either/or’ conflicts to ‘both/and’ strategies and solutions

Broken Pipe

Broken Pipe

Broken Pipe is a challenging and fun group initiative, ideal for warm or hot conditions, and especially outdoors

Group Trip

Group Trip

Group Trip is a coordination-based challenge that promotes collaboration and inspires many teamwork metaphors

What I Need From You

What I Need From You

What I Need From You is a simple, but effective way of working with other groups of people to create and receive requests

Pass The Knot

Pass The Knot

Pass The Knot is a fantastic brainstorming strategy that allows everyone an equal opportunity to share their ideas and participate

Over the Beam

Over the Beam

Over the Beam is a classic group challenge that involves physical agility, promotes collaboration, and develops a sense of team spirit

3 What Debrief

3 What Debrief

3 What Debrief is a foundational Liberating Structures that helps by asking us to step back and consider what is going on

Spin Six Times

Spin Six Times

Spin Six Times is a very fun, energizing, easy and fast game, ideal for challenging people’s luck when rolling a dice

Wicked Questions

Wicked Questions

Asking wicked questions helps engage people to reveal challenges and tangled possibilities that aren’t intuitively obvious

Number Maze

Number Maze

Number Maze is an energetic initiative ideal for challenging critical thinking skills and promoting collaboration

The Wall

The Wall

The Wall is a classic group challenge that involves physical agility, promotes collaboration, and develops a sense of team spirit

Synchro Clap

Synchro Clap

Synchro Clap is an infectious, rhythmic series of collaborative claps to increase energy and develop teamwork skills

Not A Knot

Not A Knot

Not A Knot is a fantastic visual exercise and puzzle for people to make isolated decisions or come to a consensus