Superlatives Game

Superlatives Game

The Superlatives Game

Superlatives game is a fun icebreaker game that involves people getting to know each other in a fast, interactive way. Players must quickly reorganize themselves online and in the correct order.

Number of people recommended is four or more teams of 6-12 people are ideal.

Form teams of about 6-12 people. Ask everyone to stand up. The game facilitator reads out the category, and each team must quickly arrange themselves in proper ascending (or descending) order, lining up accordingly.

When a team is in the proper order, have them sit down quickly. The first group to successfully complete each task wins the round.

The facilitator then checks to make sure that the team is in fact in the correct order.

Some example superlatives to play:

  • height, from tallest to shortest
  • birth month, from January to December
  • length of hair, from shortest to tallest
  • letters in your first name, shortest to tallest
  • birthplace location, from most farthest away to closest to your current city
  • number of siblings, from least to most
  • number of shoes that you own, from least to greatest
Moment of Reflection
  • What did you notice when trying to place an order online?
  • What strategies were useful for you or the group?
  • What strategies were least useful?
  • Who did you see “being a leader” during this activity? What specifically did they do?

The topics of this publication: collaborationteamworkinteractionsstrategyadaptability skills

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