Find the Balance

Find the Balance

Find the Balance is an extremely fun and dynamic group challenge that involves exercising teamwork and physical skills



1-2-4-All is one of the most applied facilitation techniques for creating ideas in the Liberating Structure collection

Teamwork and Leadership

Teamwork and Leadership

Why are teamwork and leadership important? Together they provide clarity for your team and directly impact your company vision

Around the World

Around the World

Around the World is an active game and an activity ice breaker to energize people and create a fun group climate

The Fortieth Floor

The Fortieth Floor

The fortieth floor is a mysterious question and answer puzzle to exercise the imagination and develop lateral thinking

Critical Uncertainties

Critical Uncertainties

Critical Uncertainties helps to develop strategies for dealing with a range of plausible yet unpredictable futures

Sharing a Secret

Sharing a Secret

Sharing a Secret is a technique for making yourself heard or getting the attention of your group without having to shout or raise your voice

Quick Team Building Activities

Quick Team Building Activities

The good thing about quick team building activities is that it doesn’t have to take that much time to cultivate the benefits of team building

Stuck to the Wall

Stuck to the Wall

Stuck to the Wall is a crazy and hilarious activity to develop teamwork skills, strengthen group cohesion and inspire creativity

Hard Decisions

Hard Decisions

Hard Decisions is an insightful activity and conversation starter that explores tough propositions and encourages critical thinking

Socioemotional Selectivity

Socioemotional Selectivity

The theory of Socioemotional Selectivity is another lifespan theory that helps explain the shift of personal goals and behaviors with age

Sprint Retrospective

Sprint Retrospective

Sprint Retrospective is a creative and engaging strategy that allows you to evaluate and review a task or project that your group completed

Open Space Technology

Open Space Technology

The purpose of the Open Space Technology liberating structure is to liberate action and leadership in groups of any size

Four Arrowheads

Four Arrowheads

Four Arrowheads is a challenging brain teaser to develop teamwork skills and problem-solving lateral thinking

Discovery and Action Dialogue

Discovery and Action Dialogue

The Discovery and Action Dialogue is a great technique for discovering, inventing, and produce local solutions to chronic problems