Come To Your Senses
Come to your senses is a simple mindfulness exercise to help your group reflect on the present moment using their five senses
Chicken Throw
The chicken throw is a super fun trial/error activity for your team to collaborate and work together towards a goal.
Use What You Have
The team building activity “use what you have” is ideal for team problem solving, with a strong combination of creativity
Imaginary Impulse
Imaginary impulse is a fun game that involves movements and sounds to improve observation skills and energize the group
Affirming Thoughts
The affirming thoughts exercise is an inspiring meditation to develops positive self-awareness and record empowering thoughts
4 Useful Ways to Enhance Teamwork
Teamwork is a word that is used daily in the office, so we share 4 useful ways to improve teamwork within an organization
Mission Statement
Take your company’s mission statement and turn them into the popular Mad Lib game. To do this, remove key nouns, verbs, and adjectives
The Answer a Question
The Answer a question is a fun exercise to promote and build active listening skills and promote critical thinking
Make Your Own Movie
Make your own movie is great for collaboration, creative problem solving and improving your employees’ organizational skills
Culture Shock
Culture shock is not only a entertaining game, but it can also form the catalyst of a very powerful learning experience for your group
Standups Over Coffee
The standups over coffee activity objective is build camaraderie, improve communication and foster relationships.
Why Communication is Important in a Team
Builds healthy work relationships, in any corporate culture, it’s important to have a connection with your co-workers
The Stepladder Technique
The stepladder technique encourages each team member to give their personal opinion on a matter without being influenced
Robbers Cave Experiment
In the mid-1950’s Muzafer Sherif and others carried out the Robbers Cave experiment on intergroup conflict and co-operation
The Communication Game
The purpose of the communication game is to help team members learn to communicate more effectively and more effectively