Tag: cooperation
The Amazing Race
The Amazing Race is a television show in which contestants compete to complete tasks and beat the other teams to the finish line
Collaborative Drawing
Collaborative drawing is a powerful and engaging activity to encourage collaboration and inspire group creativity
Blind Wine Waiter
Present the Blind Wine Waiter activity as a fun challenge that will help improve communication between teams
Trust Leans
Trust Leans is a fantastic, powerful and exciting exercise for your group to build skills like trust and empathy
15% Solutions
15% Solutions is an engaging and practical liberating structure designed to spark big change by starting small
Animal Sound
Animal Sound is a fun group exercise that builds trust to strengthen relationships and focuses on communication and concentration
Group Levitation
The group levitation is a powerful confidence-building activity to promote empathy and collaboration, and foster team spirit
Group Structure
Group Structure is a challenging exercise and a group initiative to build confidence and promote collaboration and teamwork
Blind Maze
Blind Maze is a small group problem solving exercise that promotes collaboration and the development of teamwork skills
Design StoryBoards
Design Storyboards invite participants to carefully define all the microorganization elements necessary to achieve their purpose
Take and Change
Take and Change is a simple competition game that is very effective for developing change management skills
Shift and Share
With Shift and Share, you can quickly and effectively share various useful innovations or programs that may be hidden within a group
Go To Safe Zones
Go To Safe Zones is a dynamic group initiative to focus on collaboration and build mutual trust and support
Find the Balance
Find the Balance is an extremely fun and dynamic group challenge that involves exercising teamwork and physical skills
Quick Team Building Activities
The good thing about quick team building activities is that it doesn’t have to take that much time to cultivate the benefits of team building