Tied Together

Tied Together

A great, easy game for building relationships and getting people to work together is the tied together game

Crazy Questions

Crazy Questions

To play crazy questions have each person answer a fun question. Asking funny questions is an easy and effective icebreaker game.

Opening Chit Chat

Opening Chit Chat

Opening Chit Chat is an activity that should give the team some time to relax, socialize a bit, and get used to talking to each other

Quirky Photo Challenges

Quirky Photo Challenges

We love quirky photo challenges because this activity makes it easy for the team to bond and get to know each other

Dream Trips

Dream Trips

Dream Trips is a light-hearted introductory activity, which encourages participants to find out a bit more about their work colleagues

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct is a simple but meaningful activity that sets the tone for an event and builds consensus on shared values

Group Map

Group Map

Group Map is a simple and effective team building activity that gets everyone more familiar with each other

Body of Words

Body of Words

Body of Words is a great way to get people to relax and have fun at a team retreat and learn how to plan, think creatively, and cooperate

Odd Couples

Odd Couples

The objective of Odd Couples activity is to improve relationships in the team based on the differences and similarities between people

Personal Facts Guessing

Personal Facts Guessing

The personal facts guessing game is a great way to learn your team member’s interests outside of a work environment

Draw a Car

Draw a Car

In Draw a Car, a fun and hands-on team building activity, groups design a car using team-related items to get to know each other better

Swift Swap

Swift Swap

Swift Swap game is a icebreaker activity acts as a refresher for teams that are feeling drained and stressed out

Gifts and Hooks

Gifts and Hooks

In Gifts and Hooks, the facilitator explains that team members bring gifts to the table, but they also need hooks

Keep the Balloons Up

Keep the Balloons Up

Keep the Balloons Up is a simple but fun game because it will lift everyone’s spirits and is a great way to incorporate some light exercise

The Movement Game

The Movement Game

The movement game tests people’s observation and communication skills while encouraging timid players to come out of their shells