Quick Guessing

Quick Guessing

Quick Guessing is a highly entertaining team farce communication exercise in which players guess a word from a role-played clue

Walk and Lean

Walk and Lean

Walk and Lean is a great exercise for building pre-existing trust and spotting skills, as well as reinforcing the importance of relationships

Goals and Hands

Goals and Hands

Goals and Hands is a fantastic and creative strategy for exploring individual goal setting in relation to the group

Dice of the Questions

Dice of the Questions

Dice of the Questions is an interesting icebreaker for face-to-face or virtual meetings that mixes the random with the structured

Bizarre Alphabet

Bizarre Alphabet

The Bizarre Alphabet Bizarre Alphabet is one of the most engaging and energizing activities for large groups to…

Names in the Air

Names in the Air

Names in the Air is a simple, fun and fast game to introduce the knowledge of the names of the people of the new groups in formation.

Agora Square

Agora Square

Agora Square is a powerful discussion model to explore the complexity of ideas and uncover a deeper understanding of ourselves and others

Inside and Outside Being

Inside and Outside Being

Inside and Outside Being is a creative exercise to discuss behavioural norms, set goals, and it is ideal for value discussions

Five Finger Contract

Five Finger Contract

The five finger contract is a very simple and practical activity to discuss and establish the norms of behavior of the group

Curiosity Online

Curiosity Online

Curiosity Online is an engaging exercise that invites sharing, promotes random interaction, and encourages engagement

Octopus Tentacles

Octopus Tentacles

Octopus Tentacles is a highly energetic and physically challenging icebreaker to do with a large group and in a large space

Discover the Coin

Discover the Coin

Discover the Coin is an exciting team guessing game that encourages collaboration, sharpens observation skills, and makes for laughs

Find The Nail

Find The Nail

Find The Nail is an extremely simple, yet powerful activity to reflect about integrity, assumptions and listening

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

Quote of the day is a simple but powerful opening exercise to promote reflection and the exchange of ideas.

Blind Name

Blind Name

Blind Name is a fun, quirky and quick ice-breaking activity at the start of a meeting and also is a mindful exercise

Trust Building

Trust Building

Trust building is a highly dynamic team activity dedicated to building and reinforcing trust between people in the group

Chicken Throw

Chicken Throw

The chicken throw is a super fun trial/error activity for your team to collaborate and work together towards a goal.

Imaginary Impulse

Imaginary Impulse

Imaginary impulse is a fun game that involves movements and sounds to improve observation skills and energize the group