The Power of Metaphors
With the Power of Metaphors we can find clarity by using a different situation as a metaphor for a current crisis
Animal Sound
Animal Sound is a fun group exercise that builds trust to strengthen relationships and focuses on communication and concentration
Impromptu Networking
Impromptu Networking allows a group of any size to form personal connections and share ideas in less than 20 minutes
Back to Back
Back to Back is a simple but very effective method for couples to process and reflect on the experience of a recent activity
Ecocycle Planning
The purpose of Ecocycle Planning is to analyze the entire portfolio of activities and identify obstacles and opportunities
Alter-Ego is an exercise in which groups imagine how a famous character, fictional or real, would solve a given problem.
Talking Pictures
Talking Pictures is a playful activity and an agile technique to share life experiences, strengthen relationships and promote empathy
Group Levitation
The group levitation is a powerful confidence-building activity to promote empathy and collaboration, and foster team spirit
Group Structure
Group Structure is a challenging exercise and a group initiative to build confidence and promote collaboration and teamwork
Groupthink is a psychological theory that involves the idea of humans in groups conforming to an idea without having the facts
Generative Relationships STAR
With Generative Relationships STAR can help the group identify changes it can make to improve its performance
Blind Maze
Blind Maze is a small group problem solving exercise that promotes collaboration and the development of teamwork skills
Two Men and a Bar
Two Men and a Bar is a fun exercise in lateral thinking to encourage creativity, develop critical thinking skills and energize the group
Decision Tree Analysis
A decision tree analysis is a support tool that visually shows decisions and their possible outcomes, consequences, and costs
Design StoryBoards
Design Storyboards invite participants to carefully define all the microorganization elements necessary to achieve their purpose