Hear Me and Clap
Hear Me and Clap is a quick, simple and effective technique for the facilitator to get the attention of his group without shouting
Meet Your Edge
Meet Your Edge is a group exercise of guided visualization to promote relaxation and reduces anxiety and worry
Irony Questions
The activity of Irony Questions is a powerful and engaging atrategy to occupy downtime and help people connect
The Storyline Group
The Storyline Group is an engaging technique that helps tell a story about a group experience to encourage collaboration and sharpen memory
Random Crosswords
The Random Crosswords is a fast-paced activity to encourage collaboration, develop critical thinking and teamwork skills
Tips to Approaching Conflict
Applying this tips to approaching conflict at the right time and in the right situation will help reduce miscommunication
Fill the Bucket
Fill the Bucket is an extremely fun game for large groups that helps exercise physical dexterity and energize people
Circle of Luminaries
Circle of Luminaries is a wonderful activity to inspire imagination and helps to reflect on and connect with meaningful values
Trust Line
Trust Line is a powerful trust-building physical exercise to promote empathy and collaboration in the group
Balloon Orchestra
Balloon Orchestra is a fun and interactive balloon game to icebreaker and energizer the group before starting a new activity
Zero Draft
A Zero Draft is focused free writing and is your first attempt to assemble thoughts related to your research topic or question
Breathing Pattern Drawing
Breathing Pattern Drawing is a fun mindful art project to create a sense of gentle calm and inspire creativity
Group Diversity
Group Diversity is a team-building strategy controlled by your group to encourage integration and interaction, and focus on critical thinking
Vision Board
Vision Board is an amazing and effective creative process to motivate and to help individuals and groups set goals
Card Talk
Card Talk is a simple icebreaker that invites people to share things about themselves in an entertaining way to get to know each other more