Have A Hearty Laughter
Have A Hearty Laughter is an important exercise in laughter therapy because it helps us lead a healthy life
Six Thinking Hats
Six Thinking Hats is a way of investigating an issue from a variety of perspectives, but in a clear, conflict-free way
Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower
Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower is a fantastic group activity for team building and collaborative problem solving
Personal Preferences
The personal preferences game is great because it is a light introductory activity that reveals the personal preferences of each participant
The Broken Glass Theory
The broken glass theory states that any visible signs of crime create an urban environment that promotes even more crime and disorder.
Phrase Ball
The objective of the Phrase Ball is to practice being able to speak in public, adapt to changes and know how to improvise
Out off the Circle
The ability to persuade people is an argumentative skill. The out of the circle is a exercise as it engages everyone in a powerful scenario.
Afternoon and Bonfire
The technique of Afternoon and Bonfire is to share experiences, opinions and ideas together when reflecting on a particular topic
Find the common thread
Find the Common Thread is an activity to force your team to confront the foolish nature of stereotypes and how they reduce our view of others
The Barter Puzzle
The barter puzzle is a good activity if you want team members to solve problems, practice strategies and negotiation skills
Writing a Book
Writing a Book gives you something concrete to look at in the future to see where your team has been and how far it has come
What is Social Psychology
What is social psychology? It is the scientific study of how people’s thoughts, feelings and beliefs are constructed within a social context
Protect The Egg
Protect the Egg is a teambuilding activity that involves collaboration, problem solving, and creative teamwork
One-Word Icebreaker
One-Word icebreaker helps the group explore their thoughts on a common theme and it is a perfect transition to the topic of the meeting
Bridge Build
Bridge build is an excellent activity for developing communication skills, problem solving, and creative thinking