Trust Leans

Trust Leans

Trust Leans is a fantastic, powerful and exciting exercise for your group to build skills like trust and empathy

Empathy Cards

Empathy Cards

Empathy cards are a powerful and very useful activity to foster empathy in your group and share emotions and feelings

Back to Back

Back to Back

Back to Back is a simple but very effective method for couples to process and reflect on the experience of a recent activity

Talking Pictures

Talking Pictures

Talking Pictures is a playful activity and an agile technique to share life experiences, strengthen relationships and promote empathy

Group Levitation

Group Levitation

The group levitation is a powerful confidence-building activity to promote empathy and collaboration, and foster team spirit

Group Structure

Group Structure

Group Structure is a challenging exercise and a group initiative to build confidence and promote collaboration and teamwork

Generative Relationships STAR

Generative Relationships STAR

With Generative Relationships STAR can help the group identify changes it can make to improve its performance

Helping Heuristics

Helping Heuristics

The Helping Heuristics liberating structure exists to allow users to practice with progressive methods of giving and receiving help

The Reflection of the Rose

The Reflection of the Rose

The reflection of the rose is a very simple but powerful tool to help the group share a specific experience

Quick Team Building Activities

Quick Team Building Activities

The good thing about quick team building activities is that it doesn’t have to take that much time to cultivate the benefits of team building

Hard Decisions

Hard Decisions

Hard Decisions is an insightful activity and conversation starter that explores tough propositions and encourages critical thinking

Sprint Retrospective

Sprint Retrospective

Sprint Retrospective is a creative and engaging strategy that allows you to evaluate and review a task or project that your group completed

Arrival Activity

Arrival Activity

The Arrival Activity is an ingenious and useful group opening to foster a climate of trust and promote empathy

Discovery and Action Dialogues

Discovery and Action Dialogues

Discovery and Action Dialogues (DADs) exists to help groups invent local solutions to the problems they face

Head Heart and Hands

Head Heart and Hands

Head Heart and Hands is a simple and well structured powerful reflection technique for reflecting on an experience