Album Cover

Album Cover

Album Cover is a ideal activity to promote creativity, encourage collaboration and stimulate group reflection

Pictures and Memories

Pictures and Memories

Pictures and Memories is a fun and quick storytelling activity to share experiences, strengthen relationships, and energize the group

Anchor Breath Meditation

Anchor Breath Meditation

Anchor Breath Meditation is a powerful and simple mindful breathing exercise and relaxation activity for all groups

Future Self

Future Self

Future Self is a group visualization exercise that helps reduce anxiety and worry and promotes calm and relaxation

Collage to Reflect

Collage to Reflect

Collage to reflect is a creative and inspiring activity to reflect on and evoke valuable conversations and interactions in group

Inspiring Check-Ins

Inspiring Check-Ins

Inspiring Check-Ins is a simple tool to invite reflection, facilitate emotional focus and provide intentionality to life projects

Walk and Lean

Walk and Lean

Walk and Lean is a great exercise for building pre-existing trust and spotting skills, as well as reinforcing the importance of relationships

Dice of the Questions

Dice of the Questions

Dice of the Questions is an interesting icebreaker for face-to-face or virtual meetings that mixes the random with the structured

Worry Reel

Worry Reel

Worry Reel is a visualization that promotes calm and relaxation, inspires creativity, and reduces anxiety and worry

Act As If

Act As If

‘Act as if’ is a powerful and interactive couple exercise to encourage dialogue, explore different ways of being and acting

Special Thing

Special Thing

Special Thing is a powerful exercise in self-expression and reflection to help build relationships and promote empathy within your group

Think Themselves

Think Themselves

Think Themselves is a deeply contemplative exercise that helps people develop self-awareness and promotes reflection

Emotional Check In

Emotional Check In

Emotional Check In is a guided exercise that uses metaphors to encourage reflection and communication about our feelings

Agora Square

Agora Square

Agora Square is a powerful discussion model to explore the complexity of ideas and uncover a deeper understanding of ourselves and others

Gratitude Jar

Gratitude Jar

Gratitude Jar is an activity to foster group sharing and reflection, promote mindfulness, and inspire creativity