Tag: teamwork
Group Structure
Group Structure is a challenging exercise and a group initiative to build confidence and promote collaboration and teamwork
Generative Relationships STAR
With Generative Relationships STAR can help the group identify changes it can make to improve its performance
Blind Maze
Blind Maze is a small group problem solving exercise that promotes collaboration and the development of teamwork skills
Two Men and a Bar
Two Men and a Bar is a fun exercise in lateral thinking to encourage creativity, develop critical thinking skills and energize the group
Take and Change
Take and Change is a simple competition game that is very effective for developing change management skills
Arresting Mystery
Arresting Mystery is a lateral thinking exercise to encourage creativity and develop critical thinking skills
The Reflection of the Rose
The reflection of the rose is a very simple but powerful tool to help the group share a specific experience
Making Space with TRIZ
There is always more to be gained by stopping unproductive activities and behaviors and making space with TRIZ
Go To Safe Zones
Go To Safe Zones is a dynamic group initiative to focus on collaboration and build mutual trust and support
Find the Balance
Find the Balance is an extremely fun and dynamic group challenge that involves exercising teamwork and physical skills
The Fortieth Floor
The fortieth floor is a mysterious question and answer puzzle to exercise the imagination and develop lateral thinking
Quick Team Building Activities
The good thing about quick team building activities is that it doesn’t have to take that much time to cultivate the benefits of team building
Stuck to the Wall
Stuck to the Wall is a crazy and hilarious activity to develop teamwork skills, strengthen group cohesion and inspire creativity
Sprint Retrospective
Sprint Retrospective is a creative and engaging strategy that allows you to evaluate and review a task or project that your group completed
Four Arrowheads
Four Arrowheads is a challenging brain teaser to develop teamwork skills and problem-solving lateral thinking