Category: Activities and Games
Copy Cat
We like the Copy Cat activity because team members learn the importance of listening by having to make an exact copy of a sculpture
Pair Up Activity
Pair Up is a fun group activity that encourages people to ask questions to guess the name that’s written on their back
Classify Objects
The Classify Objects activity leads to a discussion on how to work outside the box for solutions to problems that seem wholly unrelated
Conflict Confessions
The Conflict Confessions activity helps people resolve conflicts through analysis, reflection, and understanding
First Impressions
The first impressions game is an activity that promotes laughter, and makes it easy for each person on the team to introduce themselves
Tied Together
A great, easy game for building relationships and getting people to work together is the tied together game
Crazy Questions
To play crazy questions have each person answer a fun question. Asking funny questions is an easy and effective icebreaker game.
Silly Laughter
A silly laughter is great therapy for self-awareness as it allows you to face your discomfort by acting and looking silly
Emergency Plan Game
The emergency plan game is one of the easiest problem-solving activity games to use since its only requirement is space
Card Negotiation
The card negotiation game focuses on a fun communication exercise that allows participants to connect with each other
Game of Possibilities
The Game of Possibilities is helpful in getting team members used to communicating with each other and thinking creatively
Opening Chit Chat
Opening Chit Chat is an activity that should give the team some time to relax, socialize a bit, and get used to talking to each other
A Physical Gesture
A Physical Gesture is an exercise very dynamic and and powerful team building which explores group consensus and goal setting
Paper Plane Challenge
The paper plane challenge is a group activity with the goal of building a plane that flies the furthest or has the longest flight time
Deep Breathing
Laughter exercises are interspersed with deep breathing exercises to help flush the lungs as well as bring physical and mental relaxation