Draw Your Mood

Draw Your Mood

The Draw Your Mood Activity Draw your mood is is a great icebreaker activity and help people on…

Creative Solutions

Creative Solutions

Creative Solutions is a fantastic activity because it encourages teamwork, creative problem solving and a shared moment of fun

Stages of Group Development

Stages of Group Development

Research has shown that teams go through 5 definitive stages of group development in learning to work together effectively

Construct whit Lego

Construct whit Lego

Construct with Lego is an ideal exercise to practice effective communication and carry out a task and project in a group

Thread of Dental

Thread of Dental

Unlike many yoga activities, thread of dental is a laughter yoga activity that is more of a group practice than an individual one

Uncover Your Superpowers

Uncover Your Superpowers

If you’re ready to go beyond surface-level connections with your team, the “uncover your superpowers” is the ideal activity

The History of Team

The History of Team

The history of team can be traced to the Hawthorne studies which established the importance of intergroup relations in organizations

Trivia Questions

Trivia Questions

Bring some of that fun and excitement to life with trivia questions that challenge and intrigue your team members

Water Balloon Toss

Water Balloon Toss

The water balloon toss game is full of physical activity and helps people find solutions to challenges quickly and accurately

Do a Silent Line Up

Silent Line Up

This activity requires the use of various skills and your team will learn a bit about each other while overcoming the silent line up challenge

Team Bonding

Team Bonding

Building activities are designed to teach new skills, but team bonding activities are to strengthen interpersonal relationships

Appreciative Questions

Appreciative Questions

Appreciative questions connect us with the ability to see something new, resignify events, recognize hidden qualities or potentialities

The Cup Stack

The Cup Stack

The cup stack is a fun, yet challenging team building activity that promotes the collaboration and efficient communication

Back of the Napkin

Back of the Napkin

Teams will have to work together and solve problems creatively for the back of the napkin activity to work

Tower of Hanoi

Tower of Hanoi

The Tower of Hanoi is a game with a mathematical twist allows for ample group discussion, planning and problem solving

Social Identities

Social Identities

The Social Identities The more that we see our social identities as part of our membership of a…

All the News

All the News

All the News is an activity to take a quick peek into people’s minds and find out how they perceive the organization or team

Helium Stick

Helium Stick

Helium stick game is a great team-building exercise that aims to enhance teamwork and communication among mid-sized groups