Album Cover

Album Cover

Album Cover is a ideal activity to promote creativity, encourage collaboration and stimulate group reflection

Pictures and Memories

Pictures and Memories

Pictures and Memories is a fun and quick storytelling activity to share experiences, strengthen relationships, and energize the group

Romeo and Juliet Mystery

Romeo and Juliet Mystery

Romeo and Juliet Mystery is an exciting question and answer game to exercise creativity and develop lateral thinking

Anchor Breath Meditation

Anchor Breath Meditation

Anchor Breath Meditation is a powerful and simple mindful breathing exercise and relaxation activity for all groups

Magical Number Seven

Magical Number Seven

The Magical Number Seven experiment purports that the number of objects an average human can hold in working memory is seven plus or minus two

Future Self

Future Self

Future Self is a group visualization exercise that helps reduce anxiety and worry and promotes calm and relaxation

Writing Behind Your Back

Writing Behind Your Back

Writing Behind Your Back is a fun, interactive and affirming trust-building energiser exercise and strengthen relationships

Electric Fence

Electric Fence

Electric Fence is an extremely challenging exercise to promote collaboration, encourage effective communication and develop teamwork skills

Year Of The Coin

Year Of The Coin

Year Of The Coin is a quick and simple activity to introduce people’s name knowledge using a common object.

4 Amazing Activities to Improve Communication

4 Amazing Activities to Improve Communication

We propose 4 amazing activities to improve communication and help improve productivity and mitigate conflicts before they arise

All Aboard

All Aboard

All aboard is a fantastic and amazing exercise to challenge your group to creatively encourage the best strategy and planning

Collage to Reflect

Collage to Reflect

Collage to reflect is a creative and inspiring activity to reflect on and evoke valuable conversations and interactions in group

Burning Ball

Burning Ball

Burning Ball is a quick elimination game that develops physical skills and encourages people to think strategically

Role Theory

Role Theory

In social psychology, role theory is the collection of expectations that accompany a particular social position

Listen and Look

Listen and Look

Listen and Look is a energizing and engaging activity that works virtually and is also extremely fun and simple