Tag: foster relationships
Explore the Experience
Explore the Experience is a simple, open-ended processing strategy to inspire deeper group and personal reflection
Walk Together
Walk Together is a dynamic exercise that builds trust in pairs to develop coordination and encourage cooperation
Frozen Team
Frozen Team is a scenario-based challenge that requires teamwork, effective communication, building trust, and leadership skills
Complete the Sentence
Complete the Sentence is a simple and structured exchange strategy for groups to reflect and improve their work dynamics
Get to Twenty
Get to Twenty is a math group initiative that uses a deck of cards to promote teamwork skills and reflect on leadership styles
Hot Seat
Hot Seat is an interesting and attractive proposal to invite people from a small group in training to get to know each other
Initial Report
Initial Report is a simple, attractive and structured group activity to introduce people to new groups that are forming
Being There
Being There is a simple and fun activity to demonstrate how people can run in set routines, without paying attention
White Cards
White Cards is an open activity that allows people to create the rules that will regulate the team’s work dynamics.
The Newlywork
Newlywork is a simple but great game to foster relationships and facilitate the integration of the work team
Dream Trip
Dream Trip will help us to understand and get to know one another better by revealing our some of our ideals and motivation
Agile and Dynamic Teams
Agile and Dynamic Teams is an energetic and fun game to develop active listening, coordination and concentration
The Amazing Race
The Amazing Race is a television show in which contestants compete to complete tasks and beat the other teams to the finish line
Human Camera
Human Camera is a dynamic trust exercise to improve observation skills and foster safe supportive relationships
Blind Wine Waiter
Present the Blind Wine Waiter activity as a fun challenge that will help improve communication between teams