Making Space with TRIZ

Making Space with TRIZ

There is always more to be gained by stopping unproductive activities and behaviors and making space with TRIZ

Sprint Retrospective

Sprint Retrospective

Sprint Retrospective is a creative and engaging strategy that allows you to evaluate and review a task or project that your group completed

Four Arrowheads

Four Arrowheads

Four Arrowheads is a challenging brain teaser to develop teamwork skills and problem-solving lateral thinking

Balance with Nails

Balance with Nails

Balance with Nails is a hard-to-solve challenge game that inspires creativity, encourages lateral thinking, and builds teamwork skills

Head Heart and Hands

Head Heart and Hands

Head Heart and Hands is a simple and well structured powerful reflection technique for reflecting on an experience

Bowl of Affirmative Thoughts

Bowl of Affirmative Thoughts

Bowl of Affirmative Thoughts is an amazing reflection exercise to encourage positive sharing and develop positive self-awareness

What I Need From You

What I Need From You

What I Need From You is a simple, but effective way of working with other groups of people to create and receive requests

Positive and Negative

Positive and Negative

Positive and Negative is a interesting and creative story-telling exercise to explore the impact of embracing different perspectives

Express Feelings

Express Feelings

Express Feelings is an ideal strategy to help people make sense of what they feel or have observed in an experience

Rope House

Rope House

Rope House is a group activity that challenges people’s preconceived notions about what they can or cannot achieve

Writing Behind Your Back

Writing Behind Your Back

Writing Behind Your Back is a fun, interactive and affirming trust-building energiser exercise and strengthen relationships

Collage to Reflect

Collage to Reflect

Collage to reflect is a creative and inspiring activity to reflect on and evoke valuable conversations and interactions in group

Inspiring Check-Ins

Inspiring Check-Ins

Inspiring Check-Ins is a simple tool to invite reflection, facilitate emotional focus and provide intentionality to life projects

You Decide

You Decide

You Decide is an interactive strategy to empower and help groups make decisions and solve problems and difficulties

Affirming Thoughts

Affirming Thoughts

The affirming thoughts exercise is an inspiring meditation to develops positive self-awareness and record empowering thoughts