Collaborative Drawing
Collaborative drawing is a powerful and engaging activity to encourage collaboration and inspire group creativity
A High-Performing Team
A high-performing team can achieve greater results, boost employee morale, and enhance overall productivity
Blind Wine Waiter
Present the Blind Wine Waiter activity as a fun challenge that will help improve communication between teams
Waving Arms
Waving your arms is an engaging and exciting confidence-building exercise that pushes boundaries and tests people’s courage
Self-deception involves convincing oneself of a truth or lack of truth so that one does not reveal any self-knowledge of the deception
25/10 Crowd Sourcing
25/10 Crowd Sourcing is a structure that allows you to rapidly generate and sift through a group’s boldest actionable ideas
Pictures that Talk
Pictures that Talk is a simple and powerful emotional processing strategy that is thought-provoking and
inspire creativity
A Number and an Action
A Number and Action is a fast-paced, highly interactive game that generates a lot of energy and stimulates quick thinking in large groups
Trust Leans
Trust Leans is a fantastic, powerful and exciting exercise for your group to build skills like trust and empathy
The Parking Technique
We recommend the parking technique because it is a powerful strategy and group tool to keep a team meeting on track
15% Solutions
15% Solutions is an engaging and practical liberating structure designed to spark big change by starting small
Copy the Leader
Copy the Leader is a fun imitation game where people try to imitate the actions of a leader without getting caught
Empathy Cards
Empathy cards are a powerful and very useful activity to foster empathy in your group and share emotions and feelings
Team Empowerment
Team empowerment is achieved when you begin to consistently and consistently implement various empowerment strategies
Making Connections
Making Connections is a simple icebreaker to connect group members through shared affirmations and getting to know each other