Waving Arms

Waving Arms

Waving your arms is an engaging and exciting confidence-building exercise that pushes boundaries and tests people’s courage

Pictures that Talk

Pictures that Talk

Pictures that Talk is a simple and powerful emotional processing strategy that is thought-provoking and
inspire creativity

Trust Leans

Trust Leans

Trust Leans is a fantastic, powerful and exciting exercise for your group to build skills like trust and empathy

Empathy Cards

Empathy Cards

Empathy cards are a powerful and very useful activity to foster empathy in your group and share emotions and feelings

Making Connections

Making Connections

Making Connections is a simple icebreaker to connect group members through shared affirmations and getting to know each other

Animal Sound

Animal Sound

Animal Sound is a fun group exercise that builds trust to strengthen relationships and focuses on communication and concentration

Talking Pictures

Talking Pictures

Talking Pictures is a playful activity and an agile technique to share life experiences, strengthen relationships and promote empathy

Group Levitation

Group Levitation

The group levitation is a powerful confidence-building activity to promote empathy and collaboration, and foster team spirit

Group Structure

Group Structure

Group Structure is a challenging exercise and a group initiative to build confidence and promote collaboration and teamwork

Generative Relationships STAR

Generative Relationships STAR

With Generative Relationships STAR can help the group identify changes it can make to improve its performance

Blind Maze

Blind Maze

Blind Maze is a small group problem solving exercise that promotes collaboration and the development of teamwork skills

Design StoryBoards

Design StoryBoards

Design Storyboards invite participants to carefully define all the microorganization elements necessary to achieve their purpose

Candy Game

Candy Game

Candy Game is a playful activity and an interactive greeting game to facilitate the first recognition between people in a group in formation

Go To Safe Zones

Go To Safe Zones

Go To Safe Zones is a dynamic group initiative to focus on collaboration and build mutual trust and support

Quick Identification

Quick Identification

Quick Identification is a fun and energizing concentration game to quickly identify and remember a person’s name