Personal Presentations
The purpose of personal introductions is to help each participant get to know each other and generate openness in the group
Non-Verbal Improv
Non-Verbal Improv energizes participants and encourages them to think creatively by finding ways to communicate ideas without speaking
Game-Based Learning
Game-based learning is an active learning technique that uses games to promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills
Find Powerful Words
Find Powerful Words is a fantastic group technique to exercise and build more concise and powerful affirmations
I Admire Others
I admire others is a simple but very powerful activity to develop behavioral models and a positive attitude
Hit the Mark
Hit the Mark is a fantastic activity to relieve stress and experience the exhilarating power that equipment can have
Lifeboat Game
Lifeboat Game is a captivating and difficult activity to discover how emotions affect the success of our negotiations
Effective Team Building Strategies
Effective team building strategies can help employees work cohesively and play toward each individual member’s strengths
Collapsed Space
The collapsed space game improves a team’s ability to adapt to changing situations while incorporating input from each individual
Quick Fire Questions
Quick Fire Question facilitates quick, engaging, and often funny exchanges between team members to foster cohesion
Just One Lie
Just One Lie is an activity to help the group get to know each other better and make a long meeting some moments of light relief
Creative Thinking
Creative thinking is a way of innovating new ideas, changing the perspective and creating novel solutions for problems
Strengths Exercise
Appreciations Exercise is a powerful tool for self-esteem and helps people develop their motivation and self-confidence
Group Order
Group Order is an energizing activity that helps members of a group get to know each other, network, and recognize what they have in common
Diversity in the Workplace
Diversity in the workplace is important, but one study shows that people prefer to work with people who are as similar to them as possible.