

Panarchy is an activity to understand how embedded systems interact, evolve, spread innovation and transform

Complete the Sentence

Complete the Sentence

Complete the Sentence is a simple and structured exchange strategy for groups to reflect and improve their work dynamics

Get to Twenty

Get to Twenty

Get to Twenty is a math group initiative that uses a deck of cards to promote teamwork skills and reflect on leadership styles

Act the Word

Act the Word

Act the Word is an entertaining group guessing game to improve communication skills and inspire creativity

Only One Option

Only One Option

Only One Option is a conversation starter to break the ice, a fun and simple game to get to know each other more, interact and share

Hot Seat

Hot Seat

Hot Seat is an interesting and attractive proposal to invite people from a small group in training to get to know each other

Rings a Bell

Rings a Bell

Rings a Bell is a simple and fun activity, ideal for breaking the ice and starting interaction between people

Initial Report

Initial Report

Initial Report is a simple, attractive and structured group activity to introduce people to new groups that are forming

The Winker

The Winker

The Winker is a simple and fun icebreaker and pair participation exercise to fill two minutes of down time in your workshop

Card Face

Card Face

Card Face is a powerful exercise and dynamic experience that explores topics of diversity, cultural norms, valuing others, and inclusion

Great Egg Drop

Great Egg Drop

The Great Egg Drop is a teambuilding activity that involves creativity and problem solving given a set of resources

Being There

Being There

Being There is a simple and fun activity to demonstrate how people can run in set routines, without paying attention

White Cards

White Cards

White Cards is an open activity that allows people to create the rules that will regulate the team’s work dynamics.



One-Two-Three is a simple, agile and fun coordination exercise in pairs to train concentration and energize people

The Newlywork

The Newlywork

Newlywork is a simple but great game to foster relationships and facilitate the integration of the work team

Dream Trip

Dream Trip

Dream Trip will help us to understand and get to know one another better by revealing our some of our ideals and motivation

Agile and Dynamic Teams

Agile and Dynamic Teams

Agile and Dynamic Teams is an energetic and fun game to develop active listening, coordination and concentration

Paper Golf

Paper Golf

Paper Golf is a passive and competitive recreational game to inspire creativity and practice intuition in pairs or small groups